Drainage Issues Solved in Raleigh Backyard

The backyard of this newly constructed home in Raleigh was not functioning well for the homeowners. Because of the way the backyard was sloped, water ran towards the house every time it rained. Also, there was no space to entertain the grandkids. We created a terraced yard with a retaining wall to divert the water away from the house. A spacious patio with a fire pit with plenty of room for seating, lighting in the steps, and a gravel pathway with steel edging provide a clean, sharp finish that will function well for years to come.

S’mores have always been a family favorite; now this family has a beautiful, safe and well-functioning place to roast marshmallows and enjoy being together. If you or anyone you know is interested in solving drainage issues or improving the function of their backyard, contact us today for a free estimate.

Gravel Path with Steel Edging Patio with Firepit